Author: m_admin
Cílem projektu je zvyšování odbornosti personálních kapacit instalační firem. Hlavním výstupem je vytvoření softwarového a datového prostředí pro vytváření, umisťování a zobrazování instruktážních materiálů k jednotlivým krokům (výrobkům) celého procesu instalace výroben OZE s využitím rozšířené reality. Vytvoření takového prostoru a možnosti online i offline zobrazování je efektivním nástrojem jak pro výrobce, kterým se tím…
AR Training in Renewable Energy Sector
The aim of the project is to increase the expertise of the personnel capacity of installation companies. The main output is the creation of a software and data environment for the creation, placement and display of instructional materials on the individual steps (products) of the entire process of installing RES plants using augmented reality. The…
Leveraging Digital Transformation for Industry 4.0
Why should you invest in digital Transformation? Having said that, the first question that comes to your mind may be: Why do we need to invest in digitization in the first place when we are making enough profit? The answer is simple: to stay competitive in the long run. Spending money on digital transformation may…
Protect Sensitive Data in AR
For those who have such concerns, we recommend trying out the Misterine AR platform. The platform consists of three parts: Studio (desktop no-code AR editor), Server (cloud server based on Microsoft Azure), and App (mobile AR player available both for iOS and Android). Each step is designed to help companies use sensitive data securely. You…
Tool Transforms CAD into AR content
However, this is very inefficient in terms of both workload and cost. What if one tool could solve many challenges? One Tool for All Solutions Misterine’s AR platform is a revolutionary tool that instantly transforms your own 3D CAD models into a variety of applications. With a single 3D CAD model, you can quickly create…
Empowering Creators with a No-Code AR Platform
But while there is a plethora of tools available for content creation, creators still face challenges in addressing the evolving needs of people. One of the emerging needs we see today is the demand for more augmented reality experiences. The Clamor for Augmented Reality Experiences A global report in 2021 shows that 76 percent of…
Turn Your 3D Models Into AR Experiences
AR is enhancing communication for people in many ways, making it much more immersive and you can easily turn your 3D models into AR content. One of the most impactful and powerful AR developments is in marketing and advertising. You can use AR to create incredible experiences that bring your products or services to life.…
Augmented Reality: The Future of Freelance Work, Learning, and DIY Instructions
The Future Of the Workforce Freelance work is becoming more and more popular as people seek to have more control over their work-life balance. Especially during and post-COVID, about 80% of organizations are implementing a universal work-from-home policy or are encouraging their employees to work remotely at least some of the time. Augmented reality can…
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Boost Business Growth
How to Leverage Augmented Reality for Business Growth 1. Create interactive user manuals. Whether for internal use or for consumers, interactive manuals are more effective in relaying instructions. Teams can gain a more thorough understanding of the equipment and maximize its use. AR-based instructions can be easier for customers to follow, and users are empowered…
Maximizing the Potential Benefits of Augmented Reality
With over one billion AR application users in the world today, now is the time to explore how you can leverage augmented reality. Some of the Main Benefits of Augmented Reality Augmented reality has a powerful impact on learning in school, at the workplace, and elsewhere. It facilitates experiential learning that allows people to be…