We listed up below the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding our product and service. If you cannot find the answers you are looking for, please write us directly.

Is there a free demo of the Misterine App that I can play?

Misterine App is completely free for all users. You can download directly from your devices store.

Is there a free/trial version of Misterine Studio

With a registration for the free plan, users get access to a restricted version of Misterine Studio. Users can publish AR Content locally to their own devices and can publish 1 AR Content publicly, which will be shown with a watermark in App.

What format of 3D models can I import to Misterine Studio?

You can import the following format of 3D models: .3d, .3ds, .3mf, .ac, .ac3d, .acc, .amf, .ase, .ask, .assbin, .b3d, .blend, .bvh, .cob, .csm, .dae, .dxf, .enff, .fbx, .glb, .gltf, .hmp, .ifc, .ifczip, .irr, .irrmesh, .lwo, .lws, .lxo, .md2, .md3, .md5anim, .md5camera, .md5mesh, .mdc, .mdl, .mesh, .mesh.xml, .mot, .ms3d, .ndo, .nff, .obj, .off, .ogex, .pk3, .ply, .pmx, .prj, .q3o, .q3s, .raw, .scn, .sib, .smd, .stl, .ter, .uc, .vta, .x, .x3d, .x3db, .xgl, .xml, .zgl

Can Misterine create AR content for me? | Does Misterine make custom content?

Misterine does provide a service for creation on AR Content. Contact us or your sales rep directly with information about your project.

Does Misterine create custom AR apps?

Misterine does some custom AR app creation. Please contact us to start a conversation.

Is it possible to get a white-labeled version of App?

This is possible for our Enterprise clients. Please send your sales rep a request or contact us.

Where can I learn how to use Misterine Studio?

Please visit our tutorial page.

Does Misterine provide seminars or training?

We can provide training on demand. However, please first check out our video tutorials. Contact us to arrange trainings.

We are considering doing periodic seminars. Please let us know you are interest, ideally through our discord.

Is Misterine Studio an online tool? | Is there a SaaS version?

Misterine Studio is a Windows application. We are developing a SaaS portal for creation of simple AR Content that created from simple upload of models.

Does Misterine Studio run on Mac?

Misterine Studio is a Windows application

Can I create 3D models in Misterine Studio?

Misterine Studio is not a modeling software. It does support composition of complex models and creation of simple animations.

Can I export 3D models from Misterine Studio?

Misterine Studio does not support export of 3D models as simple files.

Can I use my own server instead of the cloud server? | Can I get a on premise server?

It is possible for our Enterprise customers to contract an on premise server. Please contact your sales rep or contact us here.

Where can I log in to my server space?

You can log in at https://public.arforall.net/. Enterprise users with a custom name can log in directly at https://XXX.arforall.net (XXX: your space name).

How can I download the QR code of AR content I created?

Please login to the server space where you have published your AR content and go to the “Process Browser” tab to view the detail page of your AR content. The QR code and its download button are on the detail page.

Which device models are compatible with the Misterine App?

Misterine App is available both for iOS and Android devices which support AR. AR-supported devices are 5th generation or later for iOS, and the Android devices listed on the Google’s website (https://developers.google.com/ar/devices) .

Which languages are supported?

Misterine App is available in English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Czech. We are planning to add other languages in the future according to the needs.

Misterine Studio is available in English, Japanese and Czech. We are planning to add other languages in the future according to the needs.

Can I use the Misterine App offline? | Can I view AR Content offline?

In general, Yes. AR Content are stored on the local disk when downloaded. Once the contents are downloaded, there is no need for the device to be online to play the same contents.

AR playback seems to be lagging. How can I improve the rendering?

If your AR playback is lagging, close the other apps you are using or turn off “Shadows” in the Misterine App settings. If this does not improve the situation, try changing “Graphics” to low to speed up rendering.

What are the advantages of AR compared to videos and 3D manuals?

Compared to YouTube videos and 3D manuals, AR provides a more realistic, immersive and comfortable user experience. There is no need to find a playback position or prepare a special device. You can also observe AR objects from all angles and overlay AR objects on the actual machine.
Misterine AR platform allows you to create AR contents quickly at an affordable price.

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