A diagram workflow shows how CAD data can be transformed using the Misterine Platform into AR for Technical Support, Sales & Marketing, Training, Operation Manuals, and Customer Aftercare. This is overlaid on an image of an AR supported maintenance procedure.

Protect Sensitive Data in AR

For those who have such concerns, we recommend trying out the Misterine AR platform. The platform consists of three parts: Studio (desktop no-code AR editor), Server (cloud server based on Microsoft Azure), and App (mobile AR player available both for iOS and Android). Each step is designed to help companies use sensitive data securely. You can manage user access rights or even use an “on-premises” option.

Prevention of Reverse Engineering

Misterine AR platform is free from the risk of reverse engineering. Firstly, the AR content editor, Misterine Studio, is desktop-based software, which means that you don’t need to upload the sensitive data to the Internet. Secondly, to create AR content, 3D CAD models must be imported into Misterine Studio, but the 3D models themselves cannot be re-exported.

Thirdly, once the AR content is created, it is packaged and uploaded to the Misterine Server. Its foundation Microsoft Azure is protected by advanced security features, but for your greater peace of mind, all non-essential metadata is removed during the packaging process from Misterine Studio to Misterine Server – therefore, the risk of data leakage is further reduced. A dedicated server space will be assigned for your company, where you can also manage users and their access rights to specific AR contents. If set to private, users will need to log in to play AR content.

Lastly, users with access rights can play the AR content on their devices by downloading the package to the Misterine App. However, as mentioned earlier, the data is greatly reduced to the extent necessary at this stage, therefore the 3D data cannot be re-exported or reverse-engineered.

On-premises Solutions

If you are still feeling unsafe to use a cloud server, you can choose the “on-premises” server option. On-premises server is a dedicated server placed under your own security system, where you have full control of everything. No data will go outside of your premises under this on-premises scheme.

Data security is one of the most important concerns when using AR solutions, and the Misterine AR platform solves this concern by providing multiple layers of data protection options. Whether exporting to a secure cloud server or leveraging an on-premises solution, it ensures that organizations can manage and protect their data according to their specific needs. Companies can embrace the power of AR with confidence while securing their data – which is why we recommend using the Misteirne AR platform.

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