Manage 3D Visual
Records In AR

Do you need a visual proof of how the product looks BEFORE and AFTER some activity? If yes, the solution is right in front of you.

Misterine’s innovative “AR Record Management Tool” allows you to quickly collect a 360-degree view of a product and organizes visual records from the same angle at different points in time. This system allows you to file and compare the status of a product, for example, BEFORE renting it to a customer and AFTER getting it back (e.g. in a rental service), or BEFORE receiving it from a client and AFTER shipping it back (e.g. in a maintenance service). This provides you with solid visual proof which anyone can easily check and can be used for later negotiations.

Let’s look at an example. Your customer has sent you a truck engine for maintenance. There are certain parts (viewpoints) of which you want to keep visual records BEFORE and AFTER the maintenance. Now you take the following steps:

The Maintenance

  1. Start the editor and configure the viewpoints on the 3D model. Save it as a project.
  2. Open the application on a device, select the project and follow the AR instructions to capture photos at each pre-set viewpoint. Take notes, additional photos or voice records, whenever necessary.

The Maintenance

  1. Open the application on a device again, select the same project and follow the AR instructions to capture photos at each pre-set viewpoint. Photos will be taken exactly from the same angles as before.
  2. Import both BEFORE and AFTER data to the system. Compare the BEFORE and AFTER data by clicking each viewpoint on 3D models. Optionally, add notes and input necessary information.
  3. Export a report, according to your needs.

If you’re interested in hands-free operation, we can also implement wearable devices such as a head-mounted display or smart glasses. For further information on the AR Record Management Tool, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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